Get Ready to Dominate Google Rankings with Effortless On-Page SEO Tricks!

by | Jan 19, 2024 | Website | 0 comments

There are two types of search engine optimization (SEO). On-page and off-page SEO. Today we’re going to talk about on-page SEO because it’s super important for evergreen traffic. SEO will be working for you even when you’re on vacation, if you do it right. Follow these on-page SEO tips for evergreen traffic.

  • Load Speed – Yes, your load speed is an SEO thing. If your site or any given page from your site loads too slowly, your audience will not wait around. They could be very ideal, but they’re not going to wait because they expect instant loading.
  • Craft Page Titles Correctly – Your page titles are an important aspect of your site that your audience sees, and the search engines also see. The title of a page should include the main keyword or keyword phrases for that page.
  • Meta Descriptions – Yes, these are still important. You can include them using a plugin for your WordPress site. Yoast helps you include these descriptions. This is what the search engine sees, plus some of it is what your audience sees when the item comes up on a search result.
  • Tagging – Another thing you want to include are tags, also called “meta tags”. These tags signal to the search engine the important keywords your pages cover. If you include the tag, you need to also include the words.
  • URL Structure – The best URLs are short and use the keywords you talk about on the page. So when you set up the URL, structure set it up to be URL back slash keyword.  Don’t include the date of the addition of the post, or “blog” or anything but URL / keyword or keyword phrase.
  • Header Tags – Within the content on each page, you should include different types of fonts including header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) because this signifies an important keyword topic is being discussed within the content of this page.
  • Tag Images & File Names – Each image on your pages should be named appropriately and all the alt information should be filled out. Name images based on the keywords you’re using, and name files you include with the keyword too.
  • Link Internally – Find a good way to link to more interesting content for your audience. Under each post, under an article, and so forth, they should be directed to look at more content for them to read that is related to the content they’re currently consuming. This helps your audience, but it also encourages search engines to crawl more of your site.

Finally, keep in mind that you should be adding content on a regular and frequent basis that is relevant for your audience including the right keywords that they’ll use to find you. But, don’t go nuts with your keywords. More than 2 percent keyword density is too much. Only rank for one keyword per page, and you’ve got it made.

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I´m Daniella

It’s a passion of mine to help women build the business of their dreams. I’m excited to share my knowledge and tips with the world through my blog and podcast. I hope that you’ll join me on this journey on creating your dream life!